Roach Exterminator

They’ve been around for almost 300 million years and now number over 4,600 species worldwide. During this time, roaches have evolved into one of the most reviled pests on the planet. They have adapted to climates, living conditions, and food supplies. They can even learn when food sources will be available and develop food memories.

The two most common species of roaches in Virginia are the German and the American Cockroach (aka Palmetto Bugs). Others may be found here, including the Virginia Woods, the Oriental, and the Brown-Branded. At an average length of .5”, the German Cockroach is one of the smallest in the group and the most problematic. They are typically responsible for the worst infestations. It’s domestic, meaning that it lives predominantly indoors, and unfortunately, your home is their home.

The American Cockroach is a species that usually lives outdoors but can also cause frequent problems because it often infests our homes. This bug is big, averaging 1.5”, but specimens up to 2” are not unheard of. Not only can it fly, but it runs fast and likes alcoholic beverages.

Large or small, regardless of species, having them in your home can mean big trouble. These vile insects carry dangerous bacteria and diseases that can jeopardize your health, including Salmonella, E. coli, Enterococcus, and Polio. They also can cause a host of respiratory and allergy-related illnesses such as asthma. Furthermore, because they inspire such revulsion, there are also mental issues associated with having an infestation. They get into cracks and crevices, infest our walls, crawl spaces, appliances, electronics, furniture, and food. They breed prolifically and contaminate the surfaces they come into contact with. They can occasionally crawl on you and bite—typically at night while you are sleeping since they are nocturnal.

There is also a shame factor. Since most people associate cockroaches with being dirty, many are ashamed to admit they have a problem. If this includes you, please know this: they are just as drawn to clean homes as cluttered ones. While cleanliness may help reduce an infestation somewhat, it may not prevent one. Cockroaches’ needs are warmth, water, and a food source, and they are omnivores that eat pretty much anything. They truly do not care how often you dust. Clutter, however, gives them more places to hide.

When dealing with an infestation, there are some options to consider, but you should know that all pest control treatments are not created equal. You could attempt to deal with the infestation yourself using over-the-counter products. However, this is the least effective course you could take. They are becoming immune to pesticides, and these products rarely penetrate nests. They can also contain toxic chemicals which may be hazardous to humans.

If you see just a few crawling by or feeling like you are being overrun, contact Victory Pest Management. It is our goal to provide top-notch pest control and world class customer service. We are the leading roach control company in Midlothian and look forward to leading you to victory over pest infestations.

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